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2 min read

Bounce, Net… Rally Over!

Rules Refresh Stacie Townsend 08-08-2022

Have you ever seen a pickleball player win a point like Matt Wright and Yana Grechkina in the video below?

If a player hits a pickleball with so much spin (like Matt Wright did) that the pickleball bounces on the opponents’ side of the pickleball court and then spins into the net, then there is a dead ball (and play stops immediately). And, the player that hit the pickleball (in this case, Matt Wright) will win the rally.

A rare occurrence on the court, but a great feeling to win a point without even giving your opponents a chance to hit the pickleball!

For a deeper breakdown on all of the rules of pickleball, check out Pickler’s Ultimate Guide to the Rules of Pickleball.

Have you had an interesting rules issue on the pickleball court? Send it to us at, so we can share with the rest of the pickleball community in a future newsletter.


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