Stacie Townsend
How many service lets have you committed? Did you know that, according to Rule 4.O of the 2020 Official Rulebook for USA...
2 min read
Did you know that you can commit a foot fault while serving a pickleball? Read this pickleball blog to learn how to avoid...
Have you ever been on the pickleball courts, and the server (or the referee) called the wrong score before serving the pickleball?...
3 min read
As states and regions start to relax stay-at-home orders and other other restrictions, one of the key questions for the pickleball...
5 min read
Do you know someone that is always trying to quick serve you on the pickleball court - in other words, he or she starts the...
4 min read
If you are the server, there are a couple of time limitations that you need to be aware of on the pickleball court. Learn...
The sport of pickleball is considered friendlier on the body than other sports, such as any contact sport, like football...
8 min read
Have you ever been injured playing pickleball? According to a recent study of pickleball-related injuries treated by emergency...
Did you know that there is no restriction on the weight of your pickleball paddle? Your pickleball paddle can weigh as much,...
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