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Respect The Net Plane

Rules Refresh Stacie Townsend 11-14-2022

One commonly unknown rule in pickleball is that you may not cross the plane of the net (or the imaginary extension line of the net beyond the net posts) until after you hit the pickleball. This includes anything that you are wearing or carrying, such as a pickleball paddle. Phrased another way, you may not cross the plane of the net before you hit the pickleball. If you cross the plane of the net before you hit the pickleball, then you would have committed a fault and will lose the rally. (To note, there is one exception to this rule on an over-and-back pickleball, though.)

So, respect the net plane , just like pro Kyle Yates carefully does in the video below when counterattacking an ATP from Riley Newman. Yates holds his ground just inside the plane of the net and does not cross the imaginary line.


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