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The Pickleball Dictionary: Pickleball Terms that Start with the Letter “B”

Strategy & Technique Stacie Townsend 12-02-2019

Pickler created The Pickleball Dictionary, which includes all of the common terms, phrases, words, people, and organizations found in, on, and around the pickleball courts. Get your FREE copy of The Pickleball Dictionary today!

Pickleball Terms that Start with the Letter “B”

The pickleball terms, phrases, words, people, and organizations that start with the letter “B” include:

Backhand – A backhand is a shot in pickleball where the back of your paddle/hand leads the way. Most players find that their backhands are weaker than their forehands. With that said, target your opponents’ backhands, which may lead to mistakes by your opponents and points for you.

Bainbridge Cup – The Bainbridge Cup is an international pickleball tournament with a unique twist, as it puts Team USA up against Team Europe. Be on the lookout for the 2020 Bainbridge Cup, which will be held in England.

Bainbridge Island – Bainbridge Island is a small island in the State of Washington where our great sport of pickleball got its start.

Balance – Balance is important on the pickleball courts. Balance will help you avoid injuries on the pickleball court and will help you improve your shots and fundamentals on the pickleball court.

Ball – To play pickleball, you, of course, need a ball! Good or bad, we, as pickleball players, have a slew of different brands of pickleballs to play with. What is your favorite brand of pickleball?

Banger – A banger is a pickleball player that loves to hit the pickleball hard. A banger rarely will dink and will mostly drive the pickleball. For strategies on how to defeat the banger, check out Pickler’s online pickleball video lessons.

Barney McCallum – Barney McCallum is one the inventers of the sport of pickleball, along with a few of his friends (Bill Bell and Joel Pritchard). The three gentlemen invented pickleball at Joel Pritchard’s house on Bainbridge Island during the summer of 1965. Barney was inducted into the Pickleball Hall of Fame in 2017.

Baseline – The baseline is the back line of the pickleball court. A server must be behind the baseline when serving to start a point.

Basics – The basics are your foundation for quality fundamentals on the pickleball court. Focus on having strong basics to ensure that you have the foundation to continue to advance your pickleball skills.

Be Ready – Always be ready on the pickleball court. Anticipate the pickleball coming back to your side of the pickleball net!

Beginner – Every pickleball player was, at one time, a beginner. A beginner is a player that is just learning to play the sport of pickleball.

Ben Johns – Ben Johns is one of the top men’s pickleball players. He has won gold in all three major pickleball tournaments—the USA Pickleball National Championships, the US Open Pickleball Championships, and the Tournament of Champions. Ben is one of the most exciting players to watch on the pickleball courts.

Bend Your KneesOne key to great pickleball play is staying low, compressed, and in an athletic position with your knees bent. In other words, Pickleball Ready!

Bill Bell – Bill Bell is one the inventers of the sport of pickleball, along with a few of his friends (Barney McCallum and Joel Pritchard). The three gentlemen invented pickleball at Joel Pritchard’s house on Bainbridge Island during the summer of 1965. Bill was inducted into the Pickleball Hall of Fame in 2020.

Billy Jacobsen – Billy Jacobsen was inducted into the Pickleball Hall of Fame in 2017 in recognition of his dominant play on the pickleball court. Billy was so dominant that he won national level tournaments in singles and doubles playing left-handed during an entire pickleball tournament, and then playing right-handed during another entire pickleball tournament.

Block – A block is a pickleball shot that you may use when you do not have much reaction time and you are trying to absorb the speed or power of the pickleball.

Blocker – A blocker is a pickleball player that is essentially a “wall.” He or she is able to block every shot you hit, as he or she usually has incredibly fast hands.

Body Bag – “Body bag” is a verbal jab you may hear on the pickleball courts when a player strikes the pickleball and it hits an opposing player. This phrase has caused quite the controversy on the pickleball courts recently and has even been banned at certain tournaments.

Bounce – One of pickleball’s cornerstone rules is the two-bounce rule. The pickleball must bounce twice before any player can volley the pickleball out of the air. “Bounce” is also one word that many players use to communicate out balls to their partners – “Bounce!”

Bracket – Brackets are common in pickleball tournaments, round robins, leagues, and other organized play. The bracket informs the players the structure of the play.

Brian Staub – Brian Staub, resident of The Villages, Florida, is a top pickleball pro and coach, who commonly plays on the senior pro circuit. Brian has won countless medals, including gold medals at the USA Pickleball National Championships, Tournament of Champions and the US Open Pickleball Championships.

Broke the Ball – A recurring problem with various pickleball brands is that pickleballs break, especially when playing pickleball players with some power. Do you have any creative solutions for how to repurpose broken pickleballs?

Do You Know Any Additional Pickleball Terms that Start with the Letter “B”?

Do you know any additional pickleball terms, phrases, words, people, or organizations that start with the letter “B” to add to The Pickleball Dictionary? Share with us in the comments below!

Want MORE Pickleball Terms?

Updated as of November 28, 2020


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