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2 min read

Call “Promptly”

Rules Refresh Stacie Townsend 12-12-2022

In the women’s doubles championship match between Anna Leigh Waters—Catherine Parenteau and Lea Jansen—Jackie Kawamoto, Waters hit a sharp crosscourt shot that looked to set up Jansen for an ATP shot. Jansen went for the ATP and then, after her shot sailed long, called Waters’ previous shot out. The referee quickly rejected Jansen’s call and awarded Waters—Parenteau a point. Why was Jansen’s out call not honored in the video below?

According to the rules, “all ‘out’ calls must be made ‘promptly’” Further, “promptly” specifically means. “Promptly” is defined as a specific point in time, which is “prior to the ball being hit by the opponent or before the ball becomes dead.” In the point shown above, Jansen made the call after the ball was dead. As a result, her call was not “prompt” and the ball would be presumed in.

Be sure to make your line calls promptly!


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