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Be Pickleball Ready

Quick Tips Pickle4 Team 07-25-2024

One key to playing great pickleball is staying low, compressed, and in an athletic position with knees bent. In other words, be pickleball ready! A strong ready position will cut down on your reaction time and help you hit the best shot possible. This is key as you have only a fraction of a second to react in many circumstances on the pickleball court. A good ready position can help you hit the pickleball out in front of your body and set you up for good mechanics on your shots.

However, there may be one element that is even more important than your physical game and physical ready position, which is your mental game and mental readiness. Pickleball is as much a physical game as it is a mental and strategic game. As a result, it is important to keep your mind engaged in what you are doing on the pickleball court. Be present on what you are doing, which is to hit the best pickleball shot you can in that moment. Focus on each shot—one shot at a time, one point at a time—and anticipate what your opponents will do next.


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