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Frank Cerabino

Do Pickleball Prayers Get Answered?

Here at Murmurs from the Losers’ Bracket, we are always looking for ways to improve our game. So, naturally, our ears perked...

8 min read


Frank Cerabino

Ten Tips for Being “Nice” at Pickleball

For 99-plus percent of us, winning at pickleball isn’t the way we earn a living. It’s the way we have fun. So, it shouldn’t...

17 min read


Frank Cerabino

Surviving Outdoor Summer Pickleball: Five Tips and One Solution

We are on our way to the hottest summer on record.  The hottest day on the planet was recorded on July 21, and there’s...

10 min read


Frank Cerabino

Stuck in the OH, FUDGE Zone: Learning to Shake Off Pickleball Dysfunction

You’re getting better, improving steadily at the game, and then – smack – you stubbornly fail to return balls inbounds,...

10 min read


Frank Cerabino

Presidential Politics on the Pickleball Court a Foot-in-Mouth Fault

Pickleball players already have enough to argue about on the court without injecting national politics into pickleball. Spewing...

9 min read


Frank Cerabino

Attention Pickleballers: Be on the Lookout for “Ball Blowers”

Every year, USA Pickleball entertains a slew of new rule-change requests. It's hard to believe that there could be more wacky...

10 min read


Frank Cerabino

Pre-school Pickleball? Finding a Place for Grandkids on the Court

Pickleball courts are no longer just for Medicare experts – now they're a playground for power-hitting Zoom-educated youngsters!...

8 min read


Frank Cerabino

A Disgrunted Response to the Latest Pickleball Noise Complaint 

The ongoing battle between tennis and pickleball is quite the racket! A recent Wall Street Journal article delves into why...

8 min read


Frank Cerabino

Pickleball Mania Hits Target Stores. What’s Next?

Giant displays of pickleball apparel, gear and accessories are popping up in Target department stores. Will other retailers...

8 min read